ERISA & ACA Compliance Services With Genesys

ERISA Compliance for Employee Benefits

Plan Document Preparation

Our team assists in creating and maintaining ERISA-compliant plan documents, including summary plan descriptions (SPDs), summary of material modifications (SMMs), and plan amendments, ensuring your documentation is always up-to-date and accurate.

Fiduciary Training and Support

We offer extensive fiduciary training to ensure that plan sponsors and administrators fully understand their responsibilities under ERISA. This includes guidance on prudent investment practices, the duty of loyalty, and the duty of care.

Reporting and Disclosure Requirements

We help you comply with ERISA's stringent reporting and disclosure requirements, including preparing and filing Form 5500, participant notices, and plan fees and expenses disclosures.

Claims and Appeals Procedures

We develop and implement claims and appeals procedures that comply with ERISA regulations, ensuring timely and fair adjudication of benefit claims and appeals.

Plan Governance and Administration

Our experts review your plan's governance structures, administrative procedures, and internal controls to ensure they meet ERISA standards and best practices, providing peace of mind that your plan is managed correctly.

ERISA Compliance Audits

We conduct periodic audits of your benefit plans to assess compliance with ERISA requirements, identify areas of non-compliance, and recommend corrective actions to address any issues.

COBRA Administration

Our COBRA administration services ensure compliance with ERISA's continuation coverage requirements, including timely notice issuance, premium collection, and accurate recordkeeping.

HIPAA Compliance

We assist with HIPAA compliance efforts related to privacy, security, and electronic transactions in relation to ERISA-governed health plans.

ACA Compliance

Plan Design and Grandfathered Status Analysis

We evaluate your plan designs to determine eligibility for grandfathered status under the ACA, which can exempt your plans from certain ACA requirements.

Preventive Services Mandate Compliance

We advise on compliance with the ACA preventive services mandate, which requires non-grandfathered health plans to cover certain preventive services without cost-sharing.

Cadillac Tax Planning

While the ACA Cadillac Tax has been repealed, we assist employers in staying updated on any potential changes and planning for future compliance needs.

ACA Compliance Audits

We conduct audits of your health plans to assess compliance with ACA requirements, identify areas of non-compliance, and recommend corrective actions to mitigate compliance risks.

Employer Mandate Compliance

Our experts are here to guide you through the complexities of the ACA employer mandate. We help you determine applicable large employer (ALE) status, calculate full-time equivalent employees, and offer affordable coverage to eligible employees. This level of expertise and guidance ensures you feel supported and guided, even in the face of complex regulations.

Reporting Requirements

We assist with ACA reporting requirements, including preparing and filing Forms 1094-C and 1095-C, to ensure that health coverage information is accurately reported to the IRS and employees.

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) Preparation

We create and distribute Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) documents to employees, providing clear and concise information about plan benefits and coverage as required by the ACA.

Essential Health Benefits Compliance

Our team ensures that your health plans comply with ACA requirements related to essential health benefits (EHBs), including the coverage of specific benefit categories without annual or lifetime dollar limits.


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